2017 Kindness Challenge Sign-up!

I am joining…are you too?!?!

Fiction is Food

Sign-up is open for the 2nd annual Kindness Challenge! Click on the photo to be redirected to the sign-up page! Last year we had over 80 participate and focus on kindness for 7 weeks.

Source: 2017 Kindness Challenge Sign-up!

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16 thoughts on “2017 Kindness Challenge Sign-up!

          • Agreed, I’m about to do a post on my one year of blogging. Reflecting before writing the big thing that caught me out was how friendly everyone is. Doesn’t matter where they are from, what culture or religion they have…everyone I’ve met has been absolutely brilliant. Before hand I was dithering about starting because I figured they would all be elite pro-bloggers and I’d never fit in…granted not a very mindful entry point, but never been so pleased to be so very wrong 😊

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          • I know! I’ve always wrote in Dutch (I’m from The Netherlands)..since I started to write in English (2016) I’ve ‘met’ not only people from various countries, but also all kinds of professions. I love to brainstorm/discuss/ connect and get different perspectives and true that learned so much more about our globe and the creatures on it. Looking forward to that post and read your experience so far 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Are you still living there? It’s a place I’ve always wanted to visit actually, from what I’ve seen its a beautiful part of the world. But you only started writing in English last year??? I’m impressed by your writing in that case. It’s excellent. I’m also with you on the meeting new people and discussing things in common with people who could be absolutely anywhere. It’s so refreshing to do that given media and political views that seem to cast negativity all over. On here it seems to me most people just want to get on and appreciate people from anywhere at all. Very refreshing and positive in my humble opinion 😊

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          • I totally agree.
            Yes, we emigrated to Germany three years ago, first more east (seen from the border with The Netherlands). Since a year moved to West-Germany, closer to the border with our home-country. Thank you for the compliment 🙂 I’ve learned English at school and used it a lot, when I was working as an management assistant. To be honest…still need the dictionary regularly haha
            If you ever decide to visit Germany and/or The Netherlands, let me know…maybe we can meet up and I can show you around a bit 😉

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          • Germany or Netherlands….I’m assuming it was work related because while Germany is a fabulous place, for my tastes your homeland is much nicer. Have to say you must have payed attention at school. You write it very naturally. I shall surely take up that offer if the opportunity arises too 😊

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Looking forward to connect with my neighbors !

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