What goes around, comes around

Going with the flow seems to be hard sometimes, especially for a control freak like me. Also all the passions I would like to fulfill and the lack of hours in one day makes me feel overwhelmed at times. This little creature has to stick to her lists to prevent herself from disappearing into chaos and of course, it has also to do something with priorities; very difficult if you like almost everything you have or want to do 😉

Anyway, my first article is up at MyTrendingStories, yippee 🙂

During the last several weeks I received again two Awards. Thank you so much dear Sarah, Michelle & Cezane ! Although I don’t always follow the rules towards the Awards (I try – I really do) I’m very touched and honored receiving these. Acknowledging each other, so important!
In honor of you and all those other beautiful souls at this globe I created a new page here at this blog: Beautiful Souls. This little space on the internet also includes a special page for the Awards.

Good or bad, what comes around goes around. We surely need to address the bad , as a reminder of what the world doesn’t need, however focusing on the good is equally important, since we shouldn’t take it for granted 😉

Wishing you all a wonderful week, with happy thought to accompany you:

“Even when the Sun isn’t visible, she’s always there.”

source picture: Pinterest.com

12 thoughts on “What goes around, comes around

    • Ik ben anders wel voorstanders van regels (en wetten) hoor. Zonder deze, zou volgens mij het alleen nog maar een grotere chaos zijn en wereld uit zijn baan schieten 😉
      Loslaten, inderdaad kan dat aardig lastig zijn.
      Dank je wel voor het compliment! Knuffel, XxX

      Liked by 1 person

Looking forward to connect with my neighbors !

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