Updates about various projects

Every day I discover new blogs created by beautiful souls and as always, I don’t have enough time to visit each and every one of those regularly. For most of you probably a recognizable issue, but for me it is more than just a small problem. Acknowledgement is so important, since I know how much time it can take to write an article, create a piece of art. However,  what readers mostly seem to forget: the website, blogs, post you read and/or follow are created by REAL people.

I’ve written it before and I want to mention it again: a ‘like‘ by me, is not a simple click, I really have read your post. Due to lack of time, I can’t comment at every beautiful creation. Adding Beautiful Souls I come across to my little space at internet is -next to various other things- time consuming, but I will continue doing that. I am going to this in a new format – ‘spoken introductions’ – and will start this week 🙂

So honored again: I received again the Liebster Award. This time the lovely Nilla of Image Earth Travel nominated me. The fourth time, I got nominated for this wonderful award and as always, very honored. Since I am so behind adding and thus acknowledging Beautiful Souls here in Blogland: all you fantastic bloggers who recently start following me: I pass on this Award to you. You know who you are and maybe it is naive, but I trust my dear followers to not cheat 😉
So, if you would you to accept this award, visit the post written by Nilla to find out about the rules: [Read more]
As always also very grateful, so thanks dear Nilla! Would anyone like to read more about what I do with these nominations, you can click HERE.

Music for the Soul, the dream I am finally realizing, is still a work in progress. Both my father and I have a lot on our plates and we don’t live near to each other. However, if everything goes as planned, we will publish our first post at the beginning of March. Stay tuned 😉

Busy as I am, I am going to fulfill another dream of me…well, that is… I hope so. As I wrote in the beginning of this post, the people behind the blogs are REAL people. I just love to connect with all the beautiful souls around the world.  I sense there a some of you, who are in need of a listening ear. Intrigued or indeed in need of such an ear? [ Read more]

Dreampack is still on my mind too and yesterday I received my order of vegetable seeds. The season has started again 🙂 Soon, I will post an update at my website regarding this.

Acknowledgement, being open and honest, connect and reach out to those beautiful souls in the world…I can’t address enough the importance of these.

Peace is possible, hope is alive and love will always survive.



18 thoughts on “Updates about various projects

  1. Wonderful post Patty! It’s lovely to be updated to your various projects like this. And your words ring of truth once again: there are real people behind those blogs and it is important to acknowledge exactly that!
    Looking forward to your spoken introductions! I take it you solved the YouTube problem? 😉
    What seeds are you planning to sow? Have a lovely Sunday! Huge hugs! 😄xxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you dear Sarah !
      YouTube, not completely, but I decided to do it slightly different; so in a way..problem solved, haha
      This year I am going to sow only what we eat regularly; green beans (the longer ones, don’t know if that is the word in English too), tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, spinach, unions and eh…some other vegetables and herbs 🙂
      Wishing a lovely evening and a fantastic new week! XxX

      Liked by 1 person

      • You´re very welcome, Patty!
        Glad you´ve overcome that particular problem, technical stuff can drive one crazy at times, right?
        I know which beans you mean 🙂 They´re very tasty, I like them very much when cooked, and after that I roll a couple of them into bacon and fry them – mmh!
        I would love to have a vegetable garden though I´m sure it´s lot of hard work! Do you have fruit trees too?
        Have a lovely week! Big Hug! xxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, those beans I mean 🙂
          You can make it as hard as you want; posting the ‘start-up’ for the new season this week at Dreampack.com 😉
          Big hug right back at you! XxX

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree, a like is undermined as many so like without reading, which ruins it for the rest of us who genuinely have read and liked a piece of work.

    Congratulations on receiving the award.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes WordPress, a ‘like’ button should mean ‘I read this post and liked it’ not ‘I opened this post but because I’ve got a trillion followers which you can read about ‘here’ I didn’t have time to read it but have a like to show I visited’.
    It’s not right. I try and comment as frequently as I can so at least you know I’ve read the post. So in summary, Patty, I hope your car is fixed soon ;).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Phil 🙂 I have to add, I am able to speed-read, that helps hihi.
      Hahaha…funny coincidence: my car is really broke! So, fingers crossed please that it will be fixed soon!
      Wishing you a wonderful new week dear Phil, XxX

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Patty 🙂 I hope my silly humour hasn’t jinxed your car, or perhaps because I’ve mentioned it, out of the blue, it’ll be better before you can say, mirror, signal, manoeuvre 🙂
        You have a wonderful week too, Patty 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s exactly my problem (big problem if you ask me) cause I want to comment on all the people I read but just like you said, a like by me not only means I liked but that I feel honored to have read such marvelous piece. Stay amazing Patty

    Liked by 1 person

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